Common Values
Fairness, loyalty, responsibility and sustainability – serve as a guideline for all our decisions and remind us every day anew of what Vonmählen stands for.
Compliance with laws and internal regulations is a high priority for Vonmählen. We want to emphasize our united stance against corruption. We encourage both internal and external whistleblowers to report violations of guidelines or laws. We have set up a whistleblowing procedure for this purpose.
This channel can be used to submit discreet information on topics such as corruption, antitrust law and environmental violations. Whistleblowers are protected by us and are not obliged to provide any personal details. We support an open corporate culture and evaluate violations fairly while respecting integrity and our responsibility.

Reporting and structured work
We fulfill our voluntary commitment to transparency by regularly publishing our annual sustainability report.

Anti-Greenwashing efforts
Maximum transparency and verifiability are our countermeasures against greenwashing. You can find us in all directories of the organizations we work with and whose standards we use.
We are always open to feedback and suggestions.
If you have any questions, criticism or are simply interested in learning more about our efforts, please contact us!